Valley House Gallery
Valley House Gallery
Wall of Women
Wall of Women
Where's your Badass Women book?
Where's your Badass Women book?
Romi as RBG-young badass
Romi as RBG-young badass

bad·ass·er·y | ˈbadˌasərē| noun, North American informal
engaging in seemingly impossible activities and achieving success in a manner that renders all onlookers completely awestruck

Badass epitomizes the brilliant, accomplished women conceptualized on these pages. Dallas-based artist, Valerie Guth Boyd, has painted portraits of over a hundred iconic women known for their contributions to our society.
These women also embody something else: commitment to their own truths, their own badassery. Boyd focused on inspiring women, a subject important to her since she was a girl, when she challenged herself to paint 50 women before she turned 50 and launched her badass women adventure.
Boyd’s use of color, texture, style, and symbolism helped her express her own version of these women’s likenesses, while considering their biographies and celebrating each woman in her best, most beautiful, light. 
Can any woman embody badassery? Absolutely! Valerie Guth Boyd aims to inspire us to recognize and express the bits of extraordinary power within each of us. And to look for it in others. Greatness arises when women step into their own badassery. Once sparked, it is impossible not to share these gifts. A sense of community, lively conversations, and a celebration of bold, audacious adventure ensues.
Thank you for joining the badass journey! Be the badassery!
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